Friday, 24 June 2011

Sensitivity. It’s a Rare Disease.

sen·si·tiv·i·tysen-si-tiv-i-tee] noun, plural

1. the state or quality of being sensitive; sensitiveness.
2. Physiology .

a.  the ability of an organism or part of an organism to react to stimuli; irritability.
b.  degree of susceptibility to stimulation.

Malta was aghast with anger once the story was released. Star was dead.

Somebody didn’t want this kind animal to live. This ‘somebody’ killed this hapless dog. He shot the poor animal, buried Star, whilst it was still alive...Only to be saved, albeit, surviving for a few days, as if to proof that not all humans are cruel beings.

The greatest act of cruelty is KNOWLEDGE THAT THIS ANIMAL CRUELY goes on ALL YEAR ROUND and no occasional sensational news is going to eradicate it. In a country with so many unresolved murders - very cruel ones for the matter- why are we surprised that animal killers are out and about?

Mark Schembri released the above painting this week. It is a vivid depiction of pain. If you are sensitive, it may hit you as too vivid. Blood scares. I felt touched and affected by its crudeness, yet I like the honesty of the artist. This was a despicable act.

Well done, Mark. You touched us, once again.

Credits:  Picture of Star from Times of Malta Online.

Painting by Mark Schembri.

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Monday, 23 May 2011

Pleased to Meet You...

Mark in Action, Malta 2011

Welcome to My Art Blog

Mark Schembri, Self Portrait, Malta - November 2010
As an artist I ingest and assimilate the society that surrounds me. The work that ensues from this process does not only reflect society itself but it also reveals the inner workings of my soul. Another source of inspiration is the existential struggle of humankind and the unanswered questions which echo throughout history. Man himself with his contradictions, absurdities, nobility and vulgarity is further inspiration for my creations. The affinity I feel with Nature and its elements, which I consider as an extension of my interior, contributes in enriching my paintings with a variety of emotional hues. Finally the experiences from my past which have molded me and the events that mark my daily existence are themes that I often explore in my paintings as a means of understanding and establishing my identity.